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MacBook Pro to Chord Hugo.


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Hi everyone.

I am new here and have been searching the threads but cannot seem to get (what seems to be) the simplest answer to this:

I have my new MacBook Pro, my new (very happy:) Chord Hugo, Audivarna Plus, music in Audivarna from HD Tracks and a USB to Micro USB. I am plugging the micro USB into the HD usb port in the Hugo. This all I have to do right?


Trouble is, when I press play, the sound still comes from the speakers in my Mac... Yes, I am a dunce.. but its the simplest things that frustrate sometimes!! I have my Hugo running into the CD stages of my amp and want to hear the music through my speakers. I imagine there is something I need to change in the Mac?


Any suggestions would be most helpful. Thank you in advance.




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