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Voices optimization using Dirac Live

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Hello dear diracddicts,

I have been trying Dirac Live for almost 10 days now (trial version).

I am quite impressed with the results, especially regarding bass resonances; but I have an average result regarding voices.


With correction ON, voices are less centered, as coming from both speakers. I have lost this "bubble" effect in the center. In addition, voices have less intensity, less dynamic.

Should I try another way to make the measurements ? or do I have to modify the target curve (more gain between 300-600Hz for example) ?


Bonus question : how do you make sure that you don't fill the dips ?

In my case, when I have a click on the "optimize" button, the resulting curve follows the target curve and all dips seem to be filled.

Did I miss something ?


Thanks for your help !


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I use Dirac in Mch mode almost exclusively. Mainly, that is for classical music, but I watch movies and TV somewhat via Dirac also. To me, it is utterly superb on all sources, and is especially good with spoken dialogue. I did nothing at all special in my calibration. My sound with all sources is a great pleasure to listen to.


Why not fill in the dips? Unless they are room induced infinite nulls or require a correction of more than maybe 10-12 dB, filling the dips is a good thing.

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I will quote Dirac people : "the usual approach to equalization with minimum-phase parametric correction is to flatten the peaks but leave the dips untouched."


By filling the dips, you could add too much gain which could force your amp to deliver too much power, causing saturation, signal clipping and distortion.


In the worst case, you could sature your amp which could result in damaging your tweeters (continuous current).


More expert people are welcome to add some precisions.


By the way, I have managed to significantly improve voices imaging by changing time delay in the filter. The result is really good, with voices set in a centered position.

If it can help.



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I will quote Dirac people : "the usual approach to equalization with minimum-phase parametric correction is to flatten the peaks but leave the dips untouched."




Correct, but I quote Fitzcaraldo... Dirac Live is a mixed-phase, not a minimum-phase correction.


Warning: My posts may be biased even if in good faith, I work for Dirac Research :-)

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