06/15 22:06:39 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":3536,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:39 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":22060,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:39 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":22060,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2332] GET to https://www.qobuz.com/api.json/0.2/user/login?request_sig=1f473a2570ef6098b4154a64cd06e94b&request_ts=1655323597 returned after 2995 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Info: [broker/locations] updating location Qobuz:Name=QOBUZ:Id=f4845d8f-2574-4afe-9fbf-0a3ba8f37867 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":22060,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2329] POST to https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/login returned after 3387 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GOT {"status":"Success","userid":"e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859","token":"4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5","expiration":30,"email":" ","groups":[]} 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2330] GET to https://internetradio.roonlabs.net/2/api/location?format=msgpack& returned after 3399 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [radio/library] got location DE 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2325] GET to https://push-manager.roonlabs.net/1/connect returned after 3485 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [push2] request to push manager successful 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [push2] push connector url received from push manager: ws://push-connector-v2-1.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/ 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [push2] connecting to push2 connector at ws://push-connector-v2-1.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/ 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2331] GET to https://oauthcb.roonlabs.net/2/tidal/refresh?token=eyJraWQiOiJoUzFKYTdVMCIsImFsZyI6IkVTNTEyIn0.eyJ0eXBlIjoibzJfcmVmcmVzaCIsInVpZCI6MTI1MzY3MDcyLCJzY29wZSI6Indfc3ViIHJfdXNyIHdfdXNyIiwiY2lkIjoyNDI1LCJzVmVyIjowLCJnVmVyIjowLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2F1dGgudGlkYWwuY29tL3YxIn0.AdqEdWziqYJtMZkscKNAFK3yoEHPRV5I_uocQr5beuol_TzQu7wdjn9gQT4JbD4dUQtPBRh6NGdVJzPiJPMWHkfOADPmQhtGZKTgfd1bo87Cygc8TjWEue1XBBPz_Qx6iW-wvT9YnFiQJ4i_Nly_Hbe_zaCevE4srCApTK0NfXZUEpgr returned after 3448 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Info: [broker/locations] updating location Tidal:Name=TIDAL:Id=a2bc918b-81fb-abc3-f24b-19bcfed910a2 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2328] POST to https://discovery.roonlabs.net/1/query returned after 3577 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2327] POST to https://discovery.roonlabs.net/1/query returned after 3587 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2326] POST to https://discovery.roonlabs.net/1/query returned after 3594 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [Enhanced 81,4x, 24/44 FLAC => 32/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 2:12/5:15] Spirit - Ghost 06/15 22:06:40 Debug: [easyhttp] [2334] GET to https://api.tidal.com/v1/sessions/81a66062-c457-4fed-b8fd-388b92ae3da0?countryCode=DE returned after 182 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [tidal/http] GET https://api.tidal.com/v1/sessions/81a66062-c457-4fed-b8fd-388b92ae3da0?countryCode=DE => Success 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [tidal] transition loginstatus from LoginSucceeded to LoginSucceeded 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":22060,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:40 Trace: [push2] connected to push2 connector at ws://push-connector-v2-1.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/ 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GET https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/profileslist?token=4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GET https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/userinfo?token=4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5&machineid=c59a40c0-3d52-eeea-cf6a-dbf5855bc335 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [broker/accounts] updated token. New expiration is 15.07.2022 22:06:40 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=LoggedIn MachineStatus=Licensed UserId=e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [bits] myinfo: {"pushid":"broker/19325f3a-a19f-4b5f-bba2-4b40ead3b547","roon_auth_token":"4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5","os":"Windows 10","platform":"windows","machineversion":100800970,"branch":"stable","appmodifier":"","appname":"Roon"} 06/15 22:06:41 Debug: [easyhttp] [2335] GET to https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/profileslist?token=4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5 returned after 117 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GOT {"status":"Success","profiles":[{"id":"d70799f7-1950-45c5-8491-9831afce625b","name":"Alex","photo":"https://sooloos-profileimages.s3.amazonaws.com/five-e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859--d70799f7-1950-45c5-8491-9831afce625b.jpg","birthdate":"19820000","scrobbler_token":"fpBZV_fac0DqdWWD0HHUGrgUqxqaOyu6"}]} 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=LoggedIn MachineStatus=Licensed UserId=e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859 06/15 22:06:41 Debug: [easyhttp] [2337] POST to https://bits.roonlabs.net/1/q/roon.base.,roon.internet_discovery.,roon.debug.,roon.broker.,roon.client.,roon.dsp.,roon.sood.?roon_auth_token=4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5 returned after 286 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [bits] updated bits, in 289ms 06/15 22:06:41 Debug: [easyhttp] [2336] GET to https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/userinfo?token=4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5&machineid=c59a40c0-3d52-eeea-cf6a-dbf5855bc335 returned after 344 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] GOT {"user":{"userid":"e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859","firstname":"A","lastname":"G","email":" ","joinmailinglist":true,"allowpushnotifications":true,"class":"Normal","groups":[],"dncs":[],"trialallowed":false},"status":"Success"} 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=LoggedIn MachineStatus=Licensed UserId=e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":22060,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:41 Debug: [easyhttp] [2338] GET to https://sooloos-profileimages.s3.amazonaws.com/five-e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859--d70799f7-1950-45c5-8491-9831afce625b.jpg?random=73d805ba-31ed-4bd0-980b-486a20d14dd1 returned after 458 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [broker/accounts] Data updated. AccountStatus=LoggedIn MachineStatus=Licensed UserId=e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [remoting/brokerserver] [initconn>] Connected 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [remoting/brokerserver] [initconn>] Resumed Session 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [remoting/remotingprotocolv2] resume send 135 messages, 4KiB 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [raat] [sood] Refreshing device list 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [raatserver] [sood] Refreshing device list 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":22060,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:41 Warn: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Sonore opticalRendu State Changed: Playing => Prepared 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] SENT [72]{"request":"end_stream"} 06/15 22:06:41 Debug: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting 06/15 22:06:41 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] send failed: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. 06/15 22:06:41 Warn: [raat/tcpaudiosource] disconnecting + retrying 06/15 22:06:41 Warn: [zone Yggdrasil] Track Stopped Due to Slow Media 06/15 22:06:41 Info: --[ SignalPath ]--------------------------------------------- SignalPath Quality = Inactive Elements: ------------------------------------------------------------ 06/15 22:06:41 Warn: inactive signal path :( 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [library] recorded play for profile d70799f7-1950-45c5-8491-9831afce625b: mediaid=50:1:e91d42c6-30d0-49bc-aff7-4ad4d0cfa2d1 metadataid=123:0:MT0052200839 contentid= libraryid=50:1:e91d42c6-30d0-49bc-aff7-4ad4d0cfa2d1 isfromradio=False isfrommix=False isfrommobile= 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [zone Yggdrasil] OnPlayFeedback StoppedEndOfMediaUnnatural 06/15 22:06:41 Debug: [zone Yggdrasil] _Advance 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [Enhanced, 24/44 FLAC => 32/44] [100% buf] [LOADING @ 0:00] From the Pinnacle to the Pit - Ghost 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [raat] RAATServer discovered: RaatServer IN2023 @ 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [raatserver] GOT SERVER 359e97e3-24cc-403c-69f7-a1d684b57289::359e97e324cc403c69f7a1d684b57289 @ IN2023 PROTOVER=1 RAATVER=1.1.38 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer IN2023 @] connecting (attempt 1) 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [library] finished with 104 dirty tracks 12 dirty albums 42 dirty performers 60 dirty works 100 dirty performances 0 clumping tracks, 0 clumping auxfiles 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 0 tracks to retain, 0 auxfiles to (re)load, 0 auxfiles to retain, and 215 changed objects 06/15 22:06:41 Info: Alert: Roon: music_media_slow 06/15 22:06:41 Warn: AddTopLevel: win_alert(6154) 06/15 22:06:41 Info: Alert: Roon: music_media_slow 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [raatserver] [RaatServer IN2023 @] connected 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] SENT {"request":"enumerate_devices","subscription_id":"0"} 06/15 22:06:41 Trace: [rnet/RnetJsonClient] GOT NONFINAL {"status": "Success", "devices": [{"device_id": "default", "type": "android", "auto_name": "IN2023", "name": "Default Output", "is_system_output": true, "auto_enable": true}]} 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [raatserver] GOT DEVICE 359e97e324cc403c69f7a1d684b57289::default Type=android Name=Default Output 06/15 22:06:41 Info: sleep 50ms after flush 06/15 22:06:41 Info: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer] BufferingTrack == NextTrack during ClearQueuedMedia, setting _stop_on_next_track_transition 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [library/albumdetails] found 1 ingroup alternates, 0 other alternates 06/15 22:06:42 Debug: [easyhttp] [2339] POST to https://discovery.roonlabs.net/1/register returned after 256 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [inetdiscovery] registered 1 devices, 5 services 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":22060,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:42 Warn: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream 06/15 22:06:42 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 302ms, got 50 top albums, 50 top performers, 74 genres 06/15 22:06:42 Debug: [music/profilestats] Computed stats in 266ms, got 50 top albums, 50 top performers, 74 genres 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [dbperf] flush 0 bytes, 0 ops in 96 ms (cumulative 3402693 bytes, 1790 ops in 4457 ms) 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [library] endmutation in 951ms 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"samples":23163,"status":"Dropout"} 06/15 22:06:42 Warn: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer] Playing: C:\Users\ \Music\Metal\Ghost\Ghost B.C. - Meliora (2015) [24-44 FLAC]\02-From The Pinnacle To The Pit.flac 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer] Queueing: C:\Users\ \Music\Metal\Ghost\Ghost B.C. - Meliora (2015) [24-44 FLAC]\03-Cirice.flac 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [music/searchindex] [search-index] removed: 1 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres 06/15 22:06:42 Trace: [music/searchindex] [search-index] added in 16391ms: 1 albums, 1 tracks, 0 works, 1 performers, 0 labels, 0 genres 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer] Open Result (Playing):Result[Status=Success] 06/15 22:06:42 Info: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer] Starting playback 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [convolution] adjusted filter length from 87586 to 87562 since filter had trailing zeroes 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [convolution] performing convolution with 4 paths 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] StartStream Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RaatZonePlayer+Endpoint: StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=24, samplerate=44100, isdts=False) => StreamFormat(channels=2, bitspersample=32, samplerate=44100, isdts=False) streamid=149205523 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [prebuffer] ready 149940/441000 (34%) @ 0/242 sec 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: Lastfm 'fpBZV_fac0DqdWWD0HHUGrgUqxqaOyu6' START: Ghost - From the Pinnacle to the Pit 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [zone Yggdrasil] OnPlayFeedback Playing 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [Enhanced, 24/44 FLAC => 32/44] [100% buf] [PLAYING @ 0:00] From the Pinnacle to the Pit - Ghost 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer] Open result (Queueing): Result[Status=Success] 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] synced to endpoint Sonore opticalRendu clock: realtime=25692228655477 rtt=2000us offset=16128877655us delta=16128877655us 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] SENT [73]{"request":"stream","stream_id":149205523,"first_seq":-1,"nak_port":-1,"buffer_size":10,"ready_threshold":0.2} 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2340] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 232 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2343] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 230 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2345] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 239 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2347] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 239 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2342] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 265 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2341] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 269 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2344] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 269 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: waveformshader(1192) texture loaded: 110 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: GMS: saving nav stack 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: GMS: trying to save nav stack, but nav stack stuff was in progress 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2355] POST to http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/ returned after 197 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: GMS: done saving nav stack 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [push2] retrying connection in 0ms 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [broker/accounts] network reachability changed. refreshing 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [broker/accounts] [heartbeat] now=15.06.2022 20:06:43 nextauthrefresh=15.06.2022 21:06:40 nextmachineallocate=15.06.2022 21:27:03 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [broker/accounts] doing auth refresh, next=15.06.2022 21:06:40 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [broker/accounts] refreshing account info for email=' ' userid=e174963b-765b-4ef8-b7ae-d77952faf859 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] POST https://accounts5.roonlabs.com/accounts/3/login 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [fiveaccountserver] BODY token=4373163c-17b8-431c-ab18-7b0aa4ebd7c5 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [70] {"status":"Ended"} 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [raat] [Sonore opticalRendu @] => Disconnected 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [raat] [Sonore opticalRendu @] lost client connection. Retrying 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [raat] [Sonore opticalRendu @] connecting (attempt 1) 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Yggdrasil was playing? True 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [zone Yggdrasil] Suspend 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [zone Yggdrasil] OnPlayFeedback Stopped 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [zone Yggdrasil] Canceling Pending Sleep 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [zone Yggdrasil] Canceling Pending Sleep 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream] All streams were disposed 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Yggdrasil] [zoneplayer/raat] Endpoint Sonore opticalRendu State Changed: Prepared => Idle 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer -> stream -> endpoint] All streams were disposed 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [audio/env] [zoneplayer] All streams were disposed 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [raat] [Sonore opticalRendu @] => Connecting 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] Initializing RAAT session 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: GMS: saving nav stack 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: GMS: done saving nav stack 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:base.lua as module base [1088 chars] 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:dkjson.lua as module dkjson [22416 chars] 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:protocol.lua as module protocol [2045 chars] 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] Loading script raat.dat:roon_tcp.lua [43548 chars] 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [client/roonbridges] network reachability changed, sending discovery query 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [roonbridge] [sood] Refreshing device list 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [tidal] network reachability changed. refreshing token 06/15 22:06:43 Info: --[ SignalPath ]--------------------------------------------- SignalPath Quality = Enhanced Elements: Source Format=Flac 44100/24/2 BitRate=1743 Quality=Lossless UpgradeBitDepth FromBitsPerSample=24 ToBitsPerSample=64 Quality=Lossless Convolution Truncate FromBitsPerSample=64 ToBitsPerSample=32 Quality=Lossless Raat Device=Sonore opticalRendu Output OutputType=Local_Usb Quality=Lossless SubType= Model= ------------------------------------------------------------ 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2352] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 585 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2350] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 591 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Info: sleep 50ms after flush 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2351] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 596 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2349] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 597 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2354] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 597 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2346] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 598 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2348] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/performers/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 598 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2353] POST to https://metadata.roonlabs.net/1/albums/translate?c=tidal-de,qobuz-de returned after 607 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] RAAT Session initialized in 105ms 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] SENT [2]{"request":"info"} 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2356] GET to https://push-manager.roonlabs.net/1/connect returned after 124 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [push2] request to push manager successful 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] SENT [3]{"request":"set_client_type","client_type":"Roon"} 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [push2] push connector url received from push manager: ws://push-connector-v2-1.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/ 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [push2] connecting to push2 connector at ws://push-connector-v2-1.prd-roonlabs-1.prd.roonlabs.net/ 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [raat] [sood] Refreshing device list 06/15 22:06:43 Debug: [easyhttp] [2360] GET to https://www.qobuz.com/api.json/0.2/user/login?request_sig=8ec0de3f5ce3ac7b5232c97d57f2fca7&request_ts=1655323603 returned after 98 ms, status code: 200 06/15 22:06:43 Info: [broker/locations] updating location Qobuz:Name=QOBUZ:Id=f4845d8f-2574-4afe-9fbf-0a3ba8f37867 06/15 22:06:43 Trace: [Sonore opticalRendu @] [raatclient] GOT [2]